Compiling Qbics

Compiling Qbics

To compile Qbics, please follow the instructions step-by-step.

Fundamental Components

The following fundamental components are needed:

  • gcc, version > 9.3;
  • make, version > 3.8;
  • OpenMPI, version > 3.0, if OpenMPI is enabled;
  • nvcc, version > 11.0, if CUDA is enabled;

Third-party Libraries

Boost and Eigen

Boost and Eigen are two header-only libraries that do not need compilation. They can be obtained from:

After downloading the source files,use the following code to extract the boost and eigen library directory.

$ tar -xf boost_x_x_x.tar.gz
$ tar -xf eigen-x.x.x.tar.gz

After you decompress them, you will find directories named boost_x_x_x and eigen-x.x.x, respectively. Copy boost_x_x_x and eigen-x.x.x to a suitable path, say /home/zhang/libs. This will be value for $INCBOOST and $INCEIGEN in the corresponding Makefile.

Of course, if your system has already installed Boost and Eigen somewhere, just use those then.


libxc is a density functional library. It can be obtained from You can compile it using the following instructions:

$ tar -xzf libxc-x.x.x.tar.gz
$ cd libxc-x.x.x
$ mkdir bin
$ autoreconf -i            # Use "autoreconf -i" to generate the configure file.
$ ./configure --prefix=/home/zhang/libs/libxc
$ make
$ make install

Now, all libxc files are available in /home/zhang/libs/libxc.

Of course, if your system has already installed libxc somewhere, just use it then.


libfftw3 is an efficient library for fast Fourier transformation. It can be obtained from You can compile it using the following instructions:

$ tar -xzf fftw-x.x.x.tar.gz
$ cd fftw-x.x.x
$ ./configure --prefix=/home/zhang/libs/fftw --enable-openmp
$ make
$ make install

Now, all libfftw3 files are available in /home/zhang/libs/fftw.

Of course, if your system has already installed libfftw3 somewhere, just use it then.


dftd3-lib is a library for carrying out DFT-D3 calculations. It can be obtained from You can compile it using the following instructions:

$ unzip
$ cd dftd3-lib-master
$ make lib
$ cp lib /home/zhang/libs/dftd3-lib -r

Of course, if your system has already installed dftd3-lib somewhere, just use it then.


plumed is a library for enhanced sampling algorithms. It can be obtained from You can compile it using the following instructions:

$ unzip
$ cd plumed2-x.x.x
$ ./configure --prefix=/home/zhang/libs/plumed2 --disable-mpi --disable-external-lapack --disable-external-blas
$ make
$ make install

Of course, if your system has already installed plumed somewhere, just use it then.

Edit Makefile

After decompressing the source file archive, you can find several Makefiles:

Makefile-win-cpu Native Windows version, OpenMP parallelized.
Makefile-linux-cpu Linux version, OpenMP parallelized.
Makefile-linux-gpu Linux version, OpenMP parallelized, GPU enabled.

Open the suitable one, say Makefile-linux-cpu, you can find the following:

CODEINFO = -DCodeCommit="\"`git rev-parse D`\"" \
-DCodeFlag="\"official version\"" \
-DCodeMajorVer=0 \
-DCodeMinorVer=1 \
-DCodeUser="\"`whoami | sed 's/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/g'`\"" \
-DCodeMachine="\"`hostname`\"" \
-DCodeCompiler="\"`$(CXX) --version | head -n 1`"\" \
-DCodeCompFlags="\"$(CXXFLAG)"\" \
-DCodeLibs="\"$(LIBS)"\" \
-DOSLinux \
-DUseMPI \      #  If you want to enable parallelization with MPI in Qbics, add this parameter during compilation.
-DUseCUDA \      #  If you want to enable CUDA support in Qbics, add this parameter during compilation. 

CXX     = g++
CXXFLAG = -O2 -fno-exceptions --std=c++17 -fopenmp -ffast-math -fno-finite-math-only -fexpensive-optimizations -Wall -mavx2 -mfma
CC      = gcc
CCFLAG  = -O2 -fopenmp -Wall
FC      = gfortran
FCFLAG  = -O2 -fopenmp -Wall
NCC     = nvcc
NCCFLAG = -O2 -use_fast_math -arch=compute_75 -code=sm_75

# Third-party library
LIBGNU    = -lgfortran -lquadmath -static -Wl,--whole-archive -lpthread -Wl,--no-whole-archive
LIBXC     = /opt/libxc-5.2.3/lib/libxc.a
LIBFFTW3  = /opt/fftw-3.3.10/lib/libfftw3.a /opt/fftw-3.3.10/lib/libfftw3_omp.a
LIBDFTD   = /opt/dftd3-3.2/dftd3-lib-0.9/lib/libdftd3.a
LIBPLUMED   = /opt/plumed-2.9.1/lib/libplumed.a -lz -ldl

# Third-party include
INCBOOST  = -I/opt/include/boost_1_78_0
INCEIGEN  = -I/opt/include/eigen-3.4.0
INCLIBXC  = -I/opt/libxc-5.2.3/include
INCFFTW3  = -I/opt/fftw-3.3.10/include
INCDFTD   = -I/opt/dftd3-3.2/dftd3-lib-0.9/lib
INCPLUMED   = -I/opt/plumed-2.9.1/include
INCCUDA   = -I/usr/local/cuda-11.4/targets/x86_64-linux/include
  • You can modify the macro CodeFlag to give the code a unique identifier.
  • You can change CXXFLAG, FCFLAG or NCCFLAG to add suitable optimization options according to your systems.
  • You should change LIBXC, INCBOOST, etc. to provide the correct paths of libraries and header files.


After editing your Makefile, say Makefile-linux-cpu, just run the following command:

$ make -f Makefile-linux-cpu -j

After a long time, everything is ready in bin. You can copy bin to anywhere you like.