
All input and output files can be downloaded here.

Molecular Mechanics Energy

This tutorial will lead you step by step to do molecular mechanics (MM) calculations using Qbics. In Qbics, MM means CHARMM potential.

Preface: Topology and Parameters

An MM calculation needs more steps since you must set up topology and parameters for the molecule.

  • Topology defines the bonds, angles, dihedrals, impropers and atomic charges. Qbics uses PSF file to record topology.

  • Parameters are those for bonding and nonbonding energy terms. Qbics uses CHARMM format parameter files.

Building topology and parameters of a system for MM calculations is probably the most difficult and error-prone step. There are many different ways to build topology for the same system:

In this tutorial, we will use CHARMM-GUI and VMD, but you can use your familiar tools to do this job.

Organic Molecules

Let’s consider abscisic acid (ABA), the structure being

C  23.311 -18.840 -14.802
O  22.378 -18.623 -15.594
C  27.124 -18.220 -14.346
H  27.261 -17.627 -15.282
H  27.794 -19.116 -14.381
H  27.431 -17.592 -13.471
C  26.435 -23.603 -14.235
H  25.321 -23.539 -14.315
H  26.732 -24.676 -14.326
H  26.877 -23.044 -15.098
C  23.639 -20.220 -11.312
H  23.690 -21.300 -11.591
H  24.389 -20.029 -10.506
H  22.617 -19.992 -10.925
C  23.717 -17.911 -12.038
H  22.674 -17.796 -11.656
H  24.434 -17.656 -11.220
H  23.872 -17.199 -12.884
C  22.971 -19.686 -13.625
H  21.885 -19.560 -13.374
H  23.130 -20.759 -13.921
C  23.951 -19.349 -12.504
C  26.897 -23.025 -12.961
C  25.697 -18.663 -14.167
C  24.698 -18.331 -15.020
H  24.854 -17.761 -15.949
C  25.719 -20.928 -13.379
H  25.261 -21.328 -14.295
C  26.520 -21.655 -12.623
H  26.783 -21.358 -11.583
C  27.742 -23.786 -12.232
H  27.976 -24.813 -12.560
C  28.243 -23.366 -10.915
O  28.682 -24.260 -10.152
O  28.189 -22.178 -10.494
C  25.393 -19.506 -12.949
O  26.219 -18.945 -11.886
H  27.080 -19.387 -11.914

For a general organic molecule, we recommend to use CHARMM-GUI to build topology.

  • Save it to MOL format using, say, GaussView.

  • Open https://charmm-gui.org/, click Input Generator, then Ligand Reader & Modeler. Open this MOL file in the building part.

  • In the edit box, the red ones are chemically incorrect. Fix them before proceeding with your chemical knowledge.

  • Click Next Step. Let’s name this ligand ABA. After several steps, you will be able to download the generated files by clicking download .tgz.


In the compressed package, there are files that are suitable for AMBER, GROMACS, NAMD, CHAMMR, and of course, Qbics. Some useful ones are:

  • ligandrm.psf The topology of the molecule that can be read by Qbics.

  • aba/aba.rtf The topology of the molecule that can be used in VMD.

  • ligandrm.pdb The coordinates of the molecule in PDB file.

  • aba/aba.prm The CHARMM parameter files for this molecule. If you open it, you can see the following lines:

G2DC1 CG2DC1 CG2O5  CG321      1.4000  2   180.00 ! aba , from CG2DC3 CG2DC1 CG2O5 CG331, penalty= 4.4
HGA4  CG2DC1 CG2O5  CG321      0.0000  2   180.00 ! aba , from HGA4 CG2DC1 CG2O5 CG331, penalty= 0.9
CG2DC1 CG2DC1 CG301  CG2DC2     0.0000  3   180.00 ! aba , from CG2D1O CG2DC1 CG321 CG2D1, penalty= 15.5

These lines are the CHARMM force field parameters guessed by CHARMM-GUI. Note that, the parameters with larger penalty have a lower reliability.

Also, keep in mind that aba/aba.prm ONLY has the parameters for this molecule. We also need a general CHARMM force field parameter file. For general organic molecules, the CGenFF is a suitable choice. This force field is available here:

  • toppar/par_all36_cgenff.prm

These files will be used in the following examples.


For biomolecules, the generation of force field parameters and topology has become a routine job, so it is (probably) easier than organic molecules.


You are encouraged to learn to contruct biomolecular topology with both CHARMM-GUI and VMD.

We will take a protein “ubiquitin” (PDB ID: 1UBQ) and use VMD as an example.

  • Open https://charmm-gui.org/, click Input Generator, then Solution Builder. Type 1UBQ in Download PDB File:. Click Next Step.

  • Select only Protein (discard water). Click Next Step.

  • Click Next Step.

  • Now you can download protein topology and parameters by clicking download .tgz. But we want to calculate a protein in solution. So, you can adjust protein solution options on this page. In this case, nothing needs to be changed. Click Next Step.

  • Click Next Step to download the system. We get a system of protein, water, and some ions to neutralize the solution and provide ionic strength. Note that, the page shows that the 3 lengths of this solution box is 64, 64, and 64.


In the compressed package, the files that are useful for us are:

  • step2_solvator.pdb The structure of the solvated protein.

  • step2_solvator.psf The topology of the solvated protein.

  • toppar/par_all36m_prot.prm The parameters of proteins.

  • toppar/toppar_water_ions.str The parameters of ions.

The two systems generated above are shown here:


Other Molecules

For other molecules, like inorganic materials, building their topology or fitting force field parameters are rather nontrivial and case-dependend.

Periodic MM Calculations

We will do an MM calculation for the ubituitin in water now.

  • Copy step2_solvator.pdb, step2_solvator.psf, toppar/par_all36m_prot.prm, and toppar/toppar_water_ions.str to the current path.


For CHARMM files, par* usually contains only parameters, top* usually contains only topologies, but toppar* contains both parameters and topologies. Qbics often fails to parse toppar*, so you have to delete topology information in toppar* and keep only parameter information.

  • Open toppar_water_ions.str, delete lines 1-187 so topology information is removed and only parameter information is reserved.

  • Prepare the following input file:

    parameters par_all36m_prot.prm toppar_water_ions.str
    topology   step2_solvator.psf
    scaling14  1.0
    rcutoff    12.0
    rswitch    10.0
    Lbox 64 64 64
    electrostatic pme
    PMEk   64 64 64


    energy charmm

Let’s explain this file line-by-line.

  • In mol ... end, you can input a PDB file name, or XYZ file name, or just write coordinates explicitly.

  • task ... end This tells Qbics what it should do. energy charmm means it will use CHARMM force field to calculate energy. You can put several tasks in this block.

  • MM calculations need only charmm ... end block.

  • parameters The CHARMM parameter files. You can provide many ones.

  • topology The topology of the system in PSF format.

  • scaling14 The scaling factor for 1-4 interactions. Usually 1.0 or 0.5 is used.

  • rcutoff and rswitch The cutoff and switch distance (in Angstrom) for nonbonded interactions.

  • For van der Waals interactions, they are the switch and cutoff distances for the switching function.

  • For electrostatic interaction energies: when electrostatic is cutoff, they are the switch and cuttoff distances for its switching function; when electrostatic is pme, rcutoff is the cutoff distance for short-range part, and rswitch is not used.

  • use_pbc The periodic boundary condition (PBC) is used. If it is not present, a gas phase calculation is applied.

  • Lbox The 3 lengths (in Angstrom) of the simulation box. Only valid when use_pbc is applied.

  • electrostatic The calculation method of electrostatic energy, which can be cut off at a certain distance, or particle mesh Ewald (PME) algorithm. For gas phase calculations, only cutoff is allowed; when PBC is turned on, one can use either pme (you should almost ALWAY use this) or cutoff (NOT recommended).

  • PMEk The number of K points on 3 lengths of the box for PME calculations. It is recommended to be an integer that is close to the box length and is factorized to only 2, 3, and 5.


For example, the box lengths are 34, 47, and 51, then one can set PMEk to:

  • 36 = 2×2×3×3

  • 48 = 2×2×2×2×3

  • 54 = 2×3×3×3

You should NOT use 51, since it is factorized to 3x17.

Now you can run the calculation:

$ Qbics protein.inp -n 4 > protein.out

In protein.out, you can find the calculated energies:

CHARMM energies
Bond energy:                  193.41739340 kcal/mol
Angle energy:                 297.22428926 kcal/mol
Dihedral energy:              730.60163878 kcal/mol
Improper energy:               10.70613120 kcal/mol
Coulombic energy:          -78515.73841968 kcal/mol
Lennard-Jones energy:      376696.95829744 kcal/mol
CHARMM energy:             299413.16933040 kcal/mol

Final total energy:      299413.16933040 kcal/mol

Gas Phase MM Calculations

We will do an MM calculation for abscisic acid in gas phase now.

  • Copy ligandrm.pdb, ligandrm.psf, toppar/aba.prm, and toppar/par_all36_cgenff.prm to the current path.

  • Prepare the following input file:

    parameters par_all36_cgenff.prm aba.prm
    topology   ligandrm.psf
    scaling14  1.0
    rcutoff    12.0
    rswitch    13.0


    energy charmm
  • In this input file, note that we do not write use_pbc, indicating that no PBC is applied, so this is a gas phase calculation. We do not write electrostatic since the default option for gas phase calculation is cutoff.

  • You may note that rswitch is larger than rcutoff. In Qbics, this means that no cutoff is applied: all pair-wise interactions will be calculated. This is recommended in gas phase MM calculations.

You can run the calculation by this:

$ Qbics aba.inp -n 4 > aba.out

The end of aba.out is:

CHARMM energies
Bond energy:                    2.74396036 kcal/mol
Angle energy:                  10.10698184 kcal/mol
Dihedral energy:               35.62171511 kcal/mol
Improper energy:                0.08140330 kcal/mol
Coulombic energy:             -49.04404522 kcal/mol
Lennard-Jones energy:          11.20494529 kcal/mol
CHARMM energy:                 10.71496067 kcal/mol