
dlf_formstep.f90 and dlf_qts.f90 files due to a rank mismatch

While this error does not appear in GCC 9.3.0, it does occur in GCC 11.4.0 and 12.2.0. This is because higher versions of the compiler enforce stricter rules on argument passing, disallowing ambiguous cases where an argument's rank (array or scalar) is not explicitly matched.

  • Optimization Solution:
    1. Open the Makefile.qbics file.
    2. Locate the "gfortran (gcc) compiler" settings and find the # -fallow-argument-mismatch option. Remove the # to activate this setting.
    3. Save the file, exit, and recompile the code.
        ##  gfortran (gcc) compiler
        F90FLAGS   =   -fimplicit-none  -fbounds-check -std=gnu -Wconversion \
      				   -Wsurprising -fallow-argument-mismatch
    Tips: The -fallow-argument-mismatch option may not work due to compiler version incompatibility or hardware architecture mismatch, etc. It can be changed to the -Wno-argument-mismatch option.